Section: New Results

Formal guarantees

Participant : Guillaume Scerri.

The aim of the action is to investigate the changes required for the PlugDB architecture to be amenable to formal security proofs.

More precisely we started exploring the precise formal guarantees that are desirable for a personal data server. Following work started in Bristol [7], relating to formal guarantees provided by secure hardware, we started studying how one could leverage the low level guarantees provided by secure hardware (PlugDB for example) to cover the more complex operations and guarantees required of a personal data server. The first finding of the action is that a modular architecture is required for formal proofs to be obtainable. This is reflected in the architectural concerns presented in the PETRUS project.

Additionally, we started studying how to leverage secure hardware guarantees in order to perform secure computations on distributed data. A first result in this direction is presented in [33], and submitted to Financial Cryptography 2017.